
The Cosenza Exchange: Records - San Benedetto Ullano


San Benedetto Ullano

San Benedetto Ullano is located just south of Lattarico and next to Montalto Uffugo. As of 2001 it had 1,649 inhabitants according to the census. San Benedetto Ullano is an Abereshe community whose name is Shen Benedhiti in the albanese language. Abereshe is it's own culture and is a combination of Italian and Albanian. Until 1937 San Benedetto Ullano was a large frazione of Montalto Uffugo. In 1937 it became it's own comune. It had it's own stato civile offices since the Stato Civile was created in 1809. When looking for records for San Benedetto Ullano check our records for both Montalto and San Benedetto. Many families including my own lived in both areas. San Benedetto Ullano includes the frazinone of Marri. The churches of San Benedetto Ullano were: Chiesa di San Benedetto Abate, Chiesa della Madonna del Buon Consiglio, Chiesa di San Salvatore, Cappella di San Giovanni Battista and Chiesa di San Giuseppe.

San Benedetto Stato Civile Office

Comune di San Benedetto
Via Agesilao Milano 1
87040 San Benedetto Ullano CS, Italia

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